Inside NYC's Next Billion-Dollar Startup, ZocDoc

ZocDoc, an easy way to book doctor appointments online, is a startup that will soon be entering the billion-dollar valuation club. Last month it raised $50 million dollars at a $700 million valuation.


ZocDoc, an easy way to book doctor appointments online, is a startup that will soon be entering the billion-dollar valuation club.

Last month it raised $50 million dollars at a $700 million valuation.

More than 700,000 people use the service every month. ZocDoc is free for patients and charges every featured practice $250 per month.

While it wouldn't give us the number of doctors on the site, ZocDoc says its number of available appointments jumped from 3 million in February to 5 million last month.

Oliver Kharraz and Cyrus Massoumi cofounded ZocDoc in 2007.

The founders say they spend most of their time hiring to keep up with the site's growth.  "This time last year we had 30 employees," CEO and cofounder Cyrus Massoumi tells us. "Now we have 150 people."

We arrived at ZocDoc just after the earthquake. We were on the subway when it hit, so we had no clue why so many people were standing in the lobby.

We climbed our way up to the 9th floor (no elevators were running). You can still see all of the people on the street from ZocDoc's office.

ZocDoc's receptionists didn't seem phased by the earthquake.

Soon we were greeted by two of ZocDoc's founders, Oliver Kharraz and Cyrus Massoumi.

Nick Ganju is the third co-founder and CTO.

ZocDoc has seven core values.

The values are mounted on walls throughout the office.

ZocDoc collects football helmets from every state it has launched in (10). In case you're wondering why there are 13 helmets, some states have two teams.

It collects the states' license plates too.

There's a cool "on air" room right next to reception.

You can party like a Zocstar wearing company schwag.

ZocDoc won this $100,000 check from Forbes and HP in 2009. The founders tried to take the monstrous check to the bank, but it didn't work.

This summer, ZocDoc raised a lot of money, giving it a $700 million valuation. It named its best conference room after one of its investors, Ron Conway.

ZocDoc is constantly hiring. Last year there were 30 employees, now there are 150.

Brian Cronin and Brian Kosicki have been kept busy as recruitment coordinators. Their motto: hire people who are better than you.

Thomas Talty, Chad Korpeck, and Craig Langan work in sales and get doctors on the site.

Jay Greenbaum, Mario Avocato and Steven Nunez are also in sales. There are 5 million available doctor appointments on the site.

We interrupted a sales training session, where Brandon Nosacka was catching Amy Horan up to speed.

Patrick Force also helped train new employee Sagar Desai.

The sales ops team sits in here. Wei Deng waves at us from her standing desk.

This is where the tech team used to live but they got upgraded to a better office. This room is being cleaned up for new hires.

Here's where CEO Cyrus Massoumi sits. His cubicle is full of toys to remind himself to "make work fun"

Here's where COO Oliver Kharraz sits.

Every month, an employee is given this monster by another employee for doing a stellar job.

The previous occupant of ZocDoc's space was Scholastic, so ZocDoc has a lot of their kids' lunch tables and chairs in the kitchen.

The kitchen overlooks all of the lunch tables and is stocked with tons of soda. If an employee requests a beverage, ZocDoc makes sure to order it.

The game room has a hammock and Street Fighter.

ZocDoc prides itself on being a great place to work. It visited Zappos to get some pointers on company culture. It also convinced its interns to spell out the company's name with their bodies.

Here's where the customer service team sits.

A lot of ZocDocers, like operations associate Jason Hare, sit on athletic balls instead of chairs. Surprisingly, none of them toppled over while we were there.

Here's the fierce ZocDoc tech team.

Here are two of the engineers, Kike Ibe and Eliah Hecht.

The engineers are big fans.

"We're the most athletic team of engineers," ZocDoc claims, with bowling pins/trophies to prove it.

ZocDoc hired an artist to paint cartoons around the office. Here, Dr. House high fives Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Unnamed heroes are depicted protecting ZocDoc's servers.

On Halloween, ZocDocers dressed up as Doctors (surprise, surprise). This skeleton waves goodbye as we end the tour.

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