5 things today's grandparents did or said that just aren't OK anymore

More often than not, when a grandparent complains about how things were different "back in my day," the issue isn't so much that things have changed as that people change. Our grandparents endured the same complaints about their rotten modern music when they were gyrating to Elvis or The Beatles as those jeers they

  • Grandparents are notorious for believing that younger generations listen to horrible music, are irresponsible, and are overly sexualized.
  • Many of us have heard from older people about how things were better "back in the day."
  • However, there are certain things your grandparents did or said that are absolutely not OK today. Here’s five of them.


More often than not, when a grandparent complains about how things were different "back in my day," the issue isn't so much that things have changed as that people change.

Our grandparents endured the same complaints about their rotten modern music when they were gyrating to Elvis or The Beatles as those jeers they now issue when they hear today's top 40 tunes. And while every generation of youngsters seems promiscuous to the older folks, teen birth rates are at an all-time low, revealing that perception and reality are often disparate.

The ways in which people relate to one another and in how they go about their daily lives are often similar from generation to generation. However, there are certain things today's grandparents were more likely to have said and done back in their day without a second thought that would be seen as violations of social standards today.

People from previous generations smoked more

Less younger people smoke today than during our grandparents' time. DarkoRuzicic/Shutterstock

In 1965, more than 40% of adult Americans smoked cigarettes. As of 2016, that number is significantly lower, with about 15% of adults in the United States using cigarettes, according to the CDC.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, experts were gathering evidence that smoking was bad for health as early as the 1930s, but smoking rates remained higher than they are today for much of the century.

Drinking and driving was a factor in more traffic accidents

Drunk driving is less of a problem today than it was for our grandparents' generation. oldbunyip/Shutterstock

Drunk driving may plague every generation until automated cars take over the roads, but it's a statistically less significant problem today than it was a few decades back.

According to an NIH study, alcohol played a role in more than 60% of traffic deaths in the 1970s, while as of 2014, booze is a factor in 31% of deadly traffic incidents.

People used more culturally insensitive language

Some grandparents still do this. santypan/Shutterstock

When my grandparents were young, it was unremarkable to refer to people of color using inaccurate and offensive terms. Some older people still do today.

The continued use of insensitive and outdated language is still an issue, but awareness of how offensive and inappropriate it is has spread throughout society.

They weren't as careful during sex

Grandparents may have been having more sex when they were young than today's teenagers are having. Kseniya Ivanova/Shutterstock

Statistically, grandparents probably had a lot more sex than you did during the teenage years, and they were probably less safe about it, too.

Today's teenagers are not only having less sex than teens of previous generations, but many are waiting longer to have sex, too.

In 2017, US teen birth rates fell to a historic low, at just over just under 19 births per every 1,000 women between 15 and 19, Vox reported. In 1960, that number was almost 90 per 1,000.

They bought homes on average incomes

Today, people typically buy a home much later than our grandparents, if at all. Justin Sullivan/Getty

OK, so this may not fall under the category of things grandparents did that they shouldn't have done, but it sure falls into the category of things that just aren't the same.

At the time of publication, the median price of a home in the US is about $217,000.

In 1940, you could buy a single-family residence for just under $3,000, which, when adjusted for inflation, is still less than $55,000 today. And CNBC reported that the "typical" homebuyer was 44 years old in 2016, while in 1981, it was usually people between the ages of 25 and 34 buying residences.

