The Insane Life Of Instagram King Dan Bilzerian, Who Was Just Arrested On (And Cleared Of) Bomb Char

Dan Bilzerian, the multimillionaire "King of Instagram," could have faced up to six years in prison if he had been convicted of the bomb felony he was arrested for recently, TMZ says. The notorious gun-wielding poker player was arrestedin Los Angeles on Tuesday and was initially charged with possession of explosives.


Dan Bilzerian, the multimillionaire "King of Instagram," could have faced up to six years in prison if he had been convicted of the bomb felony he was arrested for recently, TMZ says. The notorious gun-wielding poker player was arrested in Los Angeles on Tuesday and was initially charged with possession of explosives.

Bilzerian lives a crazy, lavish life — and 2014 has been no exception.

Since he got kicked out of Navy SEAL training school in 1999, Bilzerian has gone on to gamble with millions, act in action movies, and fly around the world with hordes of women wearing very little clothing — and he documents it all on Instagram. 

This is his insane life.

He's rich. He's 34 and has a massive trust fund from his father, who specialized in corporate takeovers:


He hangs out with loads of bikini-clad ladies. This was his last post before the arrest:


And he plays soldier. He had a cameo in the Hollywood blockbuster "Lone Survivor," although his part was cut down — and he sued. Here he is, middle right, with actor Eric Bana, middle:


But there's no indication on his feed about his bomb exploits. Usually he operates a sort of bear-all policy. There's an endless amount of weaponry and profanity peppering his photo stream.

He regularly carries guns — and large amounts of cash:


Once he visited a friend who had decided to put two tiger sharks in his swimming pool, and one "ended up dying," according to The Daily Dot. It must have been upsetting, because deep down, Bilzerian really likes animals.

Especially goats:


And snuggly cats:


Despite Bilzerian's enjoyment of all things fluffy, trouble appears to follow him around. He has been arrested before. Jebiga mentions how in Bilzerian's senior year of high school he was detained by police for having a machine gun in his car on school property. 

So he nearly fell before he even got going:


It's worth pointing out that among all the Champagne and revelry, Bilzerian also enjoys drugs. In this next photo, his caption reads: "I climbed this mountain while I was high as a giraffe's p---y, without shoes, and I don't photoshop."

It's clear he likes adventure and adrenaline: 


But all his cars, yachts, and women — and amazing Instagram empire — could have come crashing down with a lengthy jail term. 

Behind bars, he wouldn't be able to drive this Ferrari Spider and tell us all about it, for instance: 


Bilzerian's arrest warrant was issued in Clark County, Nevada, and was for "violating a law making it a crime to possess an explosive or incendiary device with the intent to manufacture it." TMZ says Bilzerian had ammonium and aluminium powder, along with an ammonium nitrate mix. When mixed together it acts like pure TNT.

Fortunately for Bilzerian's 5 million-plus Instagram followers, he has been released, and the charges have been dropped.

He notified everyone of his freedom in his latest very-typical Bilzerian update — on board a private jet:


But there's been no sign of the bomb. Here's his weird glass fish, which might be a bong, instead:


