I tried a free, virtual workout class by Planet Fitness and although it was too simple for me, I dis

I've never been a big fan of working out, but at the beginning of this year, I set out to change that. I began working out regularly at the gym, going daily after work. But all that changed when the coronavirus pandemic hit and my gym closed down indefinitely.

  • When my gym in New York City closed because of the coronavirus pandemic, I looked for different ways to stay fit while stuck at home.
  • I tried Planet Fitness' live workout, which aired on the company's Facebook page, but I found the workout itself too simple.
  • However, I did enjoy working out in my own home because I could be more comfortable and less concerned about people around me. I also loved the class' interactive chat feature.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

I've never been a big fan of working out, but at the beginning of this year, I set out to change that. I began working out regularly at the gym, going daily after work. But all that changed when the coronavirus pandemic hit and my gym closed down indefinitely. 

Over the past few weeks, I've seen businesses and trainers offering free workout classes online, and I've also noticed my friends and roommate jump at the chance to stay healthy at home. I decided to give it a go by using Planet Fitness' Work-Ins, which are free daily live workouts on its Facebook page. Although there are a ton of workout programs available online, I chose Plant Fitness because I liked that this one was free, relatively short (20 minutes), and easy to access. 


I tried a class last week and had mixed feelings about working out at home. Here's how I prepared to work out in my small Brooklyn apartment, what the class entailed, and how I felt about it. 

Before the workout started, I spent time setting up so I could properly work out in my small apartment.

Can you spot the laptop? Frank Olito/ Insider

Before I even started, I knew working out in my cramped Brooklyn apartment would be a challenge. The hour before the workout began, I decided to set up a workout corner, which proved to be more difficult than expected. I decided to take out some books from the bookshelves in my living room and put my laptop in their place. The floor in front of the shelves became my makeshift gym studio. 

At 7 p.m., I logged into Facebook and found Planet Fitness' page, but I was disappointed with the video quality.

The video kept freezing. Frank Olito/ Insider

When I opened the Facebook page, the video was very easy to find, but the video kept jumping and cutting out. I missed the entire introduction and didn't even catch my trainer's name. I noticed there were over 2,000 people watching the video at once and wondered if that was slowing down the connection. Unfortunately, the video kept freezing occasionally throughout the workout.

Once the connection got stronger, I took a second to understand all the components of the virtual workout.

The virtual workout window. Frank Olito/ Insider

The trainer – who appeared to be in a studio and not at home — was the main feature. Each day, there is a new trainer and a new workout on the Planet Fitness Facebook page.

It's important to note that neither I nor the other participants were on camera. I know there are some fitness instructors who are holding Zoom workouts where everyone works out together on camera, but Planet Fitness workouts are not like that. Still, there is a way to interact with the other participants on the right in a chat feature. Meanwhile, in the top left-hand corner, you can see how many other people are working out with you.

Once the connection got stronger, I had to endure a very awkward April Fool's joke.

The April Fool's joke. Frank Olito/ Insider

The trainer performed a half-hearted joke in which he lifted a fake couch over his head. Despite the fact that the joke seemed to land flat, the trainer alluded to the faux couch throughout the workout. 

From there, the trainer launched into the workout, which included running in place, planks, squats, and sit-ups.

Running in place. Frank Olito/ Insider

The workout consisted of fast feet, leg raises from the couch, squats, leg lunges, planks, and sit-ups for 45 seconds each. We completed the circuit twice for a total of 20 minutes. 

As I said earlier, I am no fitness fiend nor am I a gym rat, but I did find this workout quite simplistic. I don't need to follow a trainer for a basic plank or sit-up. I understand that the workout had to be tailored for thousands of people, so it had to work for every fitness level, but I expected the class to be a bit more creative.

The class was too simplistic for me, but Planet Fitness said that is its goal.

A plank. Frank Olito/ Insider

When I reached out to Planet Fitness about the class, a rep told me they want to hold workouts that will appeal to as many people as possible.

"Our daily routines have changed in unexpected ways, and that's why we're offering free, daily virtual fitness classes on our Planet Fitness Facebook page that are designed to keep everyone moving, as we know exercise has both mental and physical health benefits," the rep told me in a statement.

"We've purposely designed each virtual class to be 20 minutes or less that don't require any equipment that you wouldn't normally have easy access to around the house. Our goal with these workouts, which are part of our United We Move program, is simply to provide an judgement free outlet for everyone, regardless of fitness level, to stay active and healthy both physically and mentally."

The trainer had me using the couch for biceps curls, but that got the attention of an unwanted workout partner.

An unwanted workout partner. Frank Olito/ Insider

Throughout my workout, my pup interrupted me, wondering what I was doing. Honestly, in some parts, I was wondering what I was doing too. While my dog's curiosity was definitely cute, I don't have to deal with these distractions at the gym. 

I ran into another hurdle when I had to do floor work. I couldn't see the screen, so I had to keep moving my laptop around.

The least graceful scissor kicks. Frank Olito/ Insider

It turns out, placing my laptop on the shelf was only brilliant in theory. I had to take my laptop over to the couch for the bicep curls and then I had to bring it on the floor for scissor kicks. 

I would recommend setting up a workout location in your home where there will be very few distractions. Try to find a place where your pets can't get to, where you can easily move about, and where you can easily see the screen. 

Despite the lackluster routine and the connectivity issues, I did love the interactive chat feature.

The chat feature was interesting. Frank Olito/ Insider

On the right side of the screen, there's a live chat function that operates like Facebook comments. It was interesting to see what all the participants had to say during the workout. Many were talking about how isolation was difficult but that this workout was helping. 

One person wrote, "Thank you so much. I miss my gym," while another wrote, "To all the nurses and first responders, you rock!" 

At the end of the 20-minute workout, I realized there were certain comforts that came with working out from home.

One last squat. Frank Olito/ Insider

Sometimes I get intimidated at the gym. You always see people who are more fit than you, people who are doing more advanced workouts than you, and people who are more experienced than you. This leads to a lot of anxiety and intimidation for me. 

When working out at home, however, I was able to go at my own pace, and I didn't have to compare myself to anyone. It was like a breath of fresh air. 

Not to mention, I got to workout barefoot, which is a level of comfort I never knew I needed. 

Though it was a bumpy experience, a live, virtual workout was unlike anything I have done.

The end of the workout. Frank Olito/ Insider

Although I first judged the workout for being too simplistic and was annoyed by connectivity issues, I understood why so many people were tuning into this workout. It was a way to entertain ourselves and a way to build a community during these strange times. 

Although I may not be doing this exact workout again, I do expect to continue my workouts from home. But next time, I will look for classes that have more creative workouts, like Barry's. I will also put even more thought into how to turn my home into a better workout space. 

