Live At The Meeting That Will Determine The Future Of Nantucket

NANTUCKET, MASSACHUSETTS, 4:30PM, July 24th, 2013 As promised, I'm here live at the meeting that will determine the future of Nantucket. The meeting, as I explained yesterday, will determine whether some homeowners on a road called Baxter Road should be allowed to build a seawall to slow or stop their properties from eroding and their



As promised, I'm here live at the meeting that will determine the future of Nantucket. 

The meeting, as I explained yesterday, will determine whether some homeowners on a road called Baxter Road should be allowed to build a seawall to slow or stop their properties from eroding and their houses from plunging into the Atlantic.

This decision could set a precedent for future Nantucket erosion, which will presumably accelerate as sea levels rise. So it could affect a lot more than a few dozen houses and a famous lighthouse.

After a couple of decades of effort, the threatened homeowners of Baxter Road have finally gotten permission from the Town to build the seawall. They got this permission last month, after winter storms tore 30 feet out of the eroding bluff and began to threaten a town road. If this town road is breached, the Town will incur all kinds of costs. And the costs will explode if the homeowners sue the Town for preventing them from protecting their properties. So the Town is suddenly amenable to a seawall.

Now, the only thing that stands between the homeowners and the seawall is the Nantucket Conservation Commission.

And the latter is at this very moment holding a hearing on this issue.

As you might expect, the meeting is standing-room only. (Lots of folks are pro and lots are con.) I'm not standing, though. I'm sitting. On the floor in front of the Commission.

Before the hearing opened, this is what I was seeing:

Henry Blodget / Business Insider

Now, as a series of speakers presents to the Commission, this is what I am seeing:

Henry Blodget / Business Insider

Henry Blodget

I've been sitting here for 53 minutes now, while the Commission has held hearings on a variety of matters that will not determine the future of Nantucket. The topics were vaguely interesting. But not as interesting as Twitter, Facebook's earnings, and the latest Anthony Weiner sexts, which I have just read in all their glory. I haven't changed my view that I'm not voting for him (a decision, by the way, that is not the result of the sexts.)

Also, I'm sore, because I'm typing while sitting on the floor, which just isn't going over that well. And I have limited battery life. And this meeting is already taking forever. So this coverage may get cut short suddenly and without warning. (My apologies in advance!)

But the main event has finally started. The homeowners have begun their presentation. The Commission is listening intently...

5:04 PM

The homeowners' lawyer is now about 10 minutes into what he says will be a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation. He is presumably the same lawyer who invoked the argument (money) that ultimately convinced the Town Selectmen to finally green-light the seawall. And he is now wisely tailoring his argument to the folks on the Conservation Commission.

He's not talking about money -- not to this audience.

He's talking about...conservation.

He's talking about preserving wildlife. And ecosystems. And environmental responsibility.

He's talking about how natural the seawall will be (It's just boulders, gravel, and sand, as well as a "geo-textile fabric" that will serve an important ecological function but that no environmentalist or beachgoer will ever see.)

He is (brilliantly) pointing out there are literally HUNDREDS of this type of seawall all over Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard, and that they have not caused disastrous unintended consequences.

He is very very politely arguing that the homeowners have a legal right to build this seawall now that the Town has approved it and, therefore, that the Commission would be basically taking away a legal right if the Commission makes a fuss about it. (The lawyer isn't saying this, of course. He's a better salesman than that. The last thing he wants to do is appear threatening.)

He's talking about how the whole eastern end of the island will disappear if the seawall isn't built.

He's talking about how what the homeowners want to do is preserve what's there.

He's very good at what he's doing. And he's dressed appropriately:

Henry Blodget / Business Insider

(Some folks on this island do, in fact, wear pink pants without irony. I don't know whether the lawyer's pink pants are a costume or whether he's one of the folks who just wears them. But, either way, he's looking the part!)

And the Commission is listening! Ernest Steinauer, the Commission head, is particularly focused.

Henry Blodget / Business Insider

5:25 PM

Well, crap.

I still have some battery life left, but my ride just showed up. So I'm done here. The homeowners' lawyer is still in the middle of his presentation, which means that I won't even get to hear the counter-arguments.

The minutes of the meeting will eventually probably be public, however. And perhaps some of the other 100+ citizens in the room are live-blogging the event. And, if not, we can all probably read about what happened in tomorrow's edition of the Nantucket Inquirer & Mirror (a newspaper!), which has done a bang-up job covering this story from the beginning.

I'm sorry not to have heard from the opposition. And I'm sorry to duck out on you all. But I'm afraid I didn't budget enough time for this meeting.

Have a fine summer evening!

