A 55-year-old retired police officer explains how she rebuilt her credit after filing for bankruptcy

Brenda Stroud joined the Prince George's County, Maryland police department in 1990. She was 22 years old and raising a toddler at the time. "I wanted to serve the community. It was also a good move for me as a parent," Stroud told Insider. "I needed a job that was going to benefit my family

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  • Brenda Stroud has owned property in some way, shape, or form since the 1990s.
  • She lived through the housing market crash of 2007 and was forced to file for bankruptcy in 2012.
  • Still, she's managed to do more than 20 real estate deals, from flips to long-term rentals.

Brenda Stroud joined the Prince George's County, Maryland police department in 1990. She was 22 years old and raising a toddler at the time.

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"I wanted to serve the community. It was also a good move for me as a parent," Stroud told Insider. "I needed a job that was going to benefit my family from a health standpoint as well as from an income standpoint and they had a very good benefits package at the time." 

After working in law enforcement for just under 18 years, she retired early in 2007 for medical reasons and moved to Georgia, where she currently resides.

Stroud, 55, has owned property in some way, shape, or form since her early 20s when she purchased her first primary home with a $10,000 down payment. It took a lot of overtime work to come up with the money, she recalled: "I was just really grinding and throwing my money into my savings account."

Stroud worked for the police department in Prince George's County, MD for nearly 18 years. Courtesy of Brenda Stroud

Over the past three decades, she's experimented with buying foreclosures, setting up long-term rentals, hosting Airbnb units, and flipping properties. There have been highs — she was the first in her family to become a homeowner — and lows: she had to rebuild her credit after filing for bankruptcy in 2012. 

Today, she invests alongside her 37-year-old son Brandon, primarily in Tuskegee, Alabama. She's done more than 20 deals since buying her first home, currently owns 13 properties, and has two more under contract. Insider verified her property ownership by looking at her settlement statements. 

Dipping her toe into investing and learning from the 2007 housing market crash

Stroud's introduction to real estate investing wasn't a smooth one.

"My very first real estate interaction was a failed one," she said. "A young man that was friends with my sister was rehabbing a property in Washington, DC. He needed somebody to go in with him to get the rehab done, so I decided to do that and get involved in the transaction. It wasn't what he presented it to be and I actually ended up having to go to small claims court to get my money back."

Stroud bought her first home in her early 20s. She was the first member of her family to become a homeowner. Courtesy of Brenda Stroud

That was a couple of years after she'd bought her primary home, when she was still in her 20s, she said: "I learned a little bit more before I revisited real estate again." 

In her 30s, Stroud jumped back in with her partner at the time, she recalled: "We sold both of our townhouses and lived in apartments for a year as we prepared to get married. We had what were called rent deals — because we were police officers we were able to live in apartments at a discounted rate — so we decided to do that to save our money in preparation of getting married."

They ended up finding a foreclosure in Fort Washington, Maryland, which they purchased, renovated, and moved into after their wedding in 2003.

Shortly after getting married, the couple purchased an investment-specific property: a row house on the outskirts of Baltimore that they rented to Section Eight tenants for a couple of years before selling to Stroud's son in 2005.

In 2007, after retiring and moving south because her medical condition required her to live in a warmer climate, Stroud bought a new primary residence in Snellville, Georgia. That same year, the housing market crashed and she watched the value of her new home drop.

"I constantly watch the value of properties that I own and monitor if it goes up or down," said Stroud. "During the 2007 real estate crash, values dipped everywhere but our property didn't dip as low as others did. So we just sat on it until the market came back up — and it did." 

She ended up selling that house in 2019 and turning a six-figure profit, she added.

The real estate market is a cycle, emphasized Stroud, who says she learned the importance of being mindful of pulling equity out of her properties: "If there is a shift in the economy, that's where you can sink or swim as a result of whether or not you pulled all the equity out of the property."

Ultimately, holding onto her Georgia residence was the right call, she noted: "If I would have short-sold my house, I wouldn't have walked away with over $100,000 in my pocket."

She's also learned to keep an eye on what's happening in her markets, she added: "Know when to sell and know when to buy. I don't necessarily see what happened in 2007 as anything that's not going to happen again. You just need to know what to do when it does happen and not let it scare you."

Rebuilding her credit after filing for bankruptcy

In 2011, Stroud simultaneously went through a divorce and unexpectedly had to file for bankruptcy.

It started with her ex-husband filing for bankruptcy. "I had to file for bankruptcy, too, or else all of the debt would have fallen on me," she explained. At the time, they had a business loan for an Edible Arrangements franchise they had opened and a mortgage. "I felt like I was forced into bankruptcy based on his decision, which unfortunately was one of the disadvantages of going through a divorce: One party's decision definitely affects the other party."

Declaring bankruptcy can ruin your credit and make it difficult to qualify for loans in the future.

"It was devastating for me because my credit was important to me," said Stroud, who filed for bankruptcy in January 2012. 

She made out okay, partly thanks to a rule in Georgia that allows you to strip off your second mortgage if you have one, which Stroud did.

"My attorney contacted me and advised that due to a recent law change in Georgia, I could file a motion to strip the second lien off of my mortgage. I was left with my first mortgage, which was $420,000." When she sold the house for $622,000 in 2019, "after paying all of the expenses, my profit was $153,563. The first mortgage was paid off during the sale of the property."

Stroud and her son Brandon started investing in real estate together in 2020. Courtesy of Brenda Stroud

Her bankruptcy was discharged in May 2012, she said. At that point, she started rebuilding her credit by opening a secured credit card, which is considered a starter card that doesn't require a credit history or credit score. It gives you a line of credit backed by a security deposit you pay when you sign up that you get back after paying off your balance and closing out the card.

"Basically whatever you put into the account is what your credit limit is," explained Stroud. "So I put about $2,000 onto my card and just used it to pay for things that I paid every month anyway with cash, like my cell phone bill and utilities, to help build my credit score." 

After about a year of building credit on her secured card, Stroud was able to convert it to a traditional card. 

Buying investment properties in Tuskegee after the pandemic hit in 2020 to create another revenue stream 

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, Stroud lost a major source of income. After retiring as a police officer, she started a background investigation business and would do contract work for the federal government. 

"I was traveling all over the United States interviewing people," she explained. "I was making over $100,000 a year doing background investigations. When the pandemic hit, because I did face-to-face interviews, I completely shut that business down."

That freed up more time for her to pursue real estate investing. Plus, even though she was getting a pension, she figured it wouldn't hurt to diversify her income streams.

Buying in Tuskegee, Alabama first came on her radar when she visited with her niece, who was attending the veterinarian school at Tuskegee University.

"I grew up hearing about Tuskegee and was aware of its historical value," said Stroud. "When I went there with my niece, I was shocked at the condition of the town. It was really boarded up and a lot of businesses were closed." 

She and her son decided to buy an investment property in the college town together, hoping "to help be a part of the revitalization," she said. In June 2020, they purchased a $39,000 four-bed, 3.5-bath house, renovated it, and rented it to students.

Stroud started investing in Tuskegee, Alabama in 2020. Courtesy of Brenda Stroud

Later that year, around December 2020, Stroud took an online real estate investing course for $17 offered by the Women's Real Estate Investors Network (WREIN) after seeing an advertisement on Facebook. Joining the WREIN mentorship program was going to be a much bigger upfront investment, she said, but ultimately it's what gave her the knowledge and network to scale her portfolio in a way she hadn't been able to do before.

Since purchasing their first rental in Tuskegee, she and her son have done more than 15 deals in the area over the last two and a half years.

Finding and funding the deals has come down to networking, both within her market in Tuskegee and with the other female investors she's met through WREIN. 

For example, their second deal in Tuskegee came from a next-door neighbor who she had introduced herself to while renovating the first rental, she said: "He came over and offered that house to me, which was right next door to the first property. I bought it." 

As for funding, Stroud and her son have put up some of their own money, but most of their deals are funded by WREIN investors. Whenever she finds a deal she wants to pursue, "I go to the network and I present it," said Stroud. I do my due diligence." 

A key metric she's looking at is the after-repair value (ARV) and she wants it to follow what's known in house flipping as the "70% rule," which says that investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's ARV minus the cost of renovations. 

If she can't get funding through the WREIN investors, she prefers working with hard money lenders.

"Our initial strategy was going to be buy-and-hold, and our goal was to get at least 10 properties and hold them," said Stroud, who owns a combination long-term rentals that she rents to students and faculty and short-term rentals that she lists on Airbnb and VRBO. "But I realized after being in Tuskegee for a while that everything that was listed for sale was being sold as is, meaning it needed renovations. You didn't have any renovated properties that were being sold in Tuskegee. And you don't have new construction in Tuskegee."

That realization prompted her to shift her strategy and start incorporating flips, she said: "My son and I decided that we have to start flipping properties because we needed to create comps for the properties that we were holding."

They flipped three homes and turned five-figure profits on each one, said Stroud. The first one, they bought for $57,000, put about $20,000 of work into it, and sold it for $132,000.

She again leaned on her network to make the sales. A WREIN investor bought two of the flips, while a private money lender she works with bought the other.

She and her son are re-investing their profits from the flips back into their other properties, she said: "Once we get all our rehabs done, then we'll really be able to focus on returns instead of money going out for other rehabs. Then we'll truly see the long-term benefits of what we're growing here in our portfolio."

For now, she's content with what she has: "I'm really not one that has a desire to be wealthy or rich. I want to be comfortable and at the same time be able to do the things I enjoy doing, and I enjoy building in this community."

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